GH Series - High
Performance up to 0.01mg Semi-Micro Weighing - Built-in Motorized
Calibration - Automatic
Self-Calibration and Ergonomic Design - Standard RS-232C,GLP/GMP/GCP/ISO Compliance
GR Series Semi-Micro / Analytical Balances - High
Performance up to 0.01mg Semi-Micro Weighing, - Automatic
Self-Calibration and Ergonomic Design, - Built-in
Motorized Calibration, Easy Access Door System, - Standard RS-232C,GLP/GMP/GCP/ISO Compliance
HR Series Analytical Balances The HR series gives you the capability you need, at the price you deserve
GF Series Precision Balances
GX Series Precision Balances
EK-i Series Compact / Personal Balances Compact balances with high resolution, Standard LCD Back-lit display
GF-K the World's Most User-Friendly Balance Our revolutionary Super Hybrid Sensor (SHS) technology improves response speed, accuracy and minimizes maintenance costs
GX-K the World's Most User-Friendly Balance -
Internal Calibration GX-K, - Internal Calibration and Internal Calibration Mass, Our revolutionary - Super Hybrid Sensor (SHS) technology improves response speed, accuracy and minimizes maintenance costs
GP Series industrial Balance SHS (Super Hybrid Sensor) Technology, Built-in Motorized Calibration Weight, Water and Dust proof IP65
FP Series Industrial Precision Balances High resolution to 0.01g in a rugged industrial balance design
AD-4212A Series Balances Compact weighing unit can be placed anywhere in the production line
FX-i Series Precision Balance Super Hybrid Sensor, Realizing Compact, Increasing Functions!